
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Goldfish

My fourth graders just finished these adorable projects based off of Henri Matisse's The Goldfish Bowl! 
We used a 12x18 sheet of paper for the background, and created a Matisse-like cut-paper collage on Day 1. (I also read the students Mike Venezia's "Getting to Know the Artists: Henri Matisse" as a good intro. Unfortunately, I did have to staple some of the pages together because I'm not sure my students could handle nudity :( ) 
After we finished the background, we created the "table" and then painted two sheets of paper to make the fishbowl and the fish.
I just love how they turned out...and the kids worked so hard on them! 
Also, I FINALLY got around to getting our Facebook page up and running! If you'd rather "follow" on Facebook, here is our link: