Monday, December 12, 2011
aerial perspective snowmen!

Saturday, December 10, 2011
peppermint play-doh!

Monday, December 5, 2011
stringing up the lights!

Friday, December 2, 2011
A Friday Funny
This is NOT what you think it is, so get your mind out of the gutter! An awesome blog reader and fellow Art Teacher sent me this picture today. I recently held a workshop in my classroom about radial weaving and had some of my kiddos' circle paintings hanging up. She was inspired and did the project with her first graders. She showed them the video and told them that all they could make on their work were circlular images. THIS was what she got from one of her students!
Carmen, thank you SO much for brightening my day!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Coke Bears

I heard recently that Coke was putting out new Coke cans for the Holiday Season which would be white with polar bears on them, and a portion of the proceeds from these special cans would go toward protecting the polar bears. To my kids, it's just another Coke can. After today, though, I really hope they realized that someone designed that can, probably someone with an artistic bone in their body.

Here is an example of the bears before I give them artistic license next week! I will be sure to post some "after" pictures, too!
Monday, November 21, 2011
"Embracing" Handprint Art

I have my thoughts spelled out in a post that I write for a blog called PreK and K Sharing (http://www.prekandksharing.blogspot.com/) . Come on over and see what I have to say!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
mixed-media owls

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
back to basics

That being said, I can't tell you how many of my kiddos have never even seen a leaf fall off a tree (or knew that leaves changed colors in the fall). I had a colleage head up to her rental home in New Hampshire and asked her to bring me back a box of leaves. She was perplexed (she never knows what my intentions are half the time! Ha!) but obliged....
Sometimes I like to get creative with art projects, but sometimes the tried-and-true art projects are just as beautiful...my students just LOVED making their leaf rubbings. I didn't give them any color scheme(s) to work with, I just let them explore and they had a GREAT time! I love that sometimes with art it's not necessary to reinvent the wheel, even though we all try to.
Happy Fall, ya'all!
Friday, November 11, 2011
circle, circle, dot, dot weavings

Yes, I pre-cut their paper looms for them.

Thursday, November 10, 2011
luli sanchez dot paintings

*Recently I was cited by the Fire Marshall for storage in my classroom. I hoard stuff BIG TIME in case my budget doesn't add up, which will probably be the case in the near future! Alas, I decided to dip into my bottlecap stash and that is what we used for the dots (the back sides) and the circles (the bottoms) for this project!
I gave them each 4 colors of paint. They printed the backs (dots) first in rows across and down their papers. On day 2 we printed the circles (rings) in empty spaces and on the tops of the dots in some cases. Sometimes there were distinct rows of circles and dots, and sometimes things got a little confusing. Either way, they turned out GREAT!
One hang-up some of my kids had were the imperfections some of the stamps made. Many of them wanted to have complete circles....but after looking at Luli's "professional" work, they embraced their imperfections, too.

Monday, November 7, 2011
Recycled CD Fish

Friday, November 4, 2011
circle painting

The logistics of that project were simple, and because I only had 6 kiddos working on it it was even EASIER! I had 12 colors of paint. I assigned each student one color of paint, and they had 2 minutes to paint circles. After 3 minutes they handed the paint to the person to their right until we had gone through all the paint colors!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
radial weaving on CD's

Happy weaving!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
kinder owls

I gave each student a 12x18 piece of gray paper, and 3 strips of 1.5"x18" brown(s)---light brown, medium brown, and dark brown. They tore the strips into smaller pieces and put them in piles on their tables. This is a GREAT fine-motor skill! We also practiced using little dabs of glue to hold the feathers in place. Of course with my new tap caps this is working BEAUTIFULLY!!! We also practiced making eyes that were the same size by folding our paper and cutting two pieces at once.
Because I have some pretty speedy kiddos, I had the ones that finished working first practice making stars in their skies. (***GREAT "star" trick---have them make a capital A with a long stick across the middle....then criss-cross, and criss-cross, and you have a perfect STAR!)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Paul Klee Fish

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