Don't you feel like sometimes even though you've been doing things for so long....you still have LOTS to learn?
Oh, wait, it's just ME?!?!
Just kidding, I can see your heads bobble up and down as you read this post!
I've felt for the last few months that I've lost control of the glue usage in my classroom. Remember when I bought the "tap caps" and was so excited about them? FAIL. They got all clogged up, then my kids would unscrew them and glue would come pouring out....UGH. I went back to using regular glue bottles. I emphasized my poster of Fred Flintstone saying "a little dab'll do ya" (yes, I made it, yes, you can copy it!)...I emphasized the "no puddles of glue" on my No No Board. I had some 5th graders decorate my glue bottles with threatening messages. I had them count glue dots ("one in each corner and one in the middle!").
I kept getting HUGE messes no matter what I did or said. Cue exhibit One (of many):

I decided to take matters into my own hands.....use a scrap piece of paper and put a puddle of glue on it for glue usage. The kids have to dip their fingers in it to glue their papers down. You will see the following occur:
1. They don't like the feel of it, so they don't use much. WIN!
2. There is no opportunity for huge puddles. WIN!
3. They see their results are so much better...and I'm praising them, so they're happy. WIN!
4. I told them if they do this right for a couple projects I'd give the bottles back---so they're trying to impress me. WIN! ( it's so successful- will I ever hit the bottle again?!)
5. They scold EACH OTHER when they use too much. Less harping from me and I can enjoy teaching more. My voice is saved. WIN!
6. We can stack papers at the end of class because no glue is squishing out! WIN!

I just thought I'd share my glue-y success with you all...I'm glad I finally figured out how to keep it under control after all these years!
PS- did you know? Coating the necks of glue bottles with Vaseline before screwing on the lids will aid you as you need to take them off for refills!
Happy weekend!