This was a wonderful project for me as I go through this "why-on-earth-have-I-kept-this-junk-all-these-years" classroom cleanout. Why do I have all these pipe cleaners? I've never used pipe cleaners before, yet I have scads of them! Do they rub together and multiply in the cabinet?!
I digress.
You will need a bunch of random things for this project: Cardboard cut into long, strange shapes (I pre-cut mine and even spray-painted them black before I gave them to the kids!), leftover painted matboard pieces, pipe cleaners, small pieces of scrap papers, glitter glue...and your imagination!
I did this project with my fifth graders, though it probably would have even worked from grade 3 up! I think they did a wonderful job, and I cannot wait to enter some of these in our upcoming Venice Art Fest!

My kids love Kimmy Cantrell. We are working on our own clay faces rignt now. :)